On Monday, we played Shakespeare millionaire. We had four people in a group. Then Miss Marly would show the question on the projector, and then she would shout out the group number and the number of the group member in that particular group. That person was supposed to stand up and answer the question and for every correct answer, the group would get 1 mark. We only manage to get to question 10 I think. Because due to the noise level in the class, Miss Marly have to stop every few minutes to let us quiet down before we could continue. And so, before the lesson end, Miss Marly says that she would show the whole class about the MacBeth performance by the best group in our class. I’m looking forward to it ^^
On Friday when Miss Marly came in, she told us that this was her second last lesson with us. It was really sad to think that Miss Marly would not be teaching us again after our Midyear exams. On that day, we did Merchant of Venice revision paper. Actually, we had already did a Romeo and Juliet revision paper on Thursday when Miss Marly came into our class to take over our History lesson. And so, on Friday, for the whole period on that day, we only did the Revision paper. We did have time for discussion on MCQ but we had to go hall for Prefect Investiture'10 so at 11.15am which took up 15 minutes of the Literature lesson. So we have to discuss the question left on Monday.
On Monday, I was absent because I was sick, so I didn’t get to perform the MacBeth play, which I was absolutely clueless about what had happened on that day. But I did hear from a few of my friends that Miss Marly was dissatisfied with their performances and were told to redo it on Friday. Miss Marly hopes that they can do a better job on it. I wish we could get high marks for that play.
@ Friday @
Our big day arrived on Friday. All of our classmates were all very nervous and excited. We were given about 10 minutes to get ready. Our group’s costume is Afrina’s jeans with black shirt. We decided Vivien to put on white jeans, Afrina’s black and mine’s grey. As for the top attire, I planned for a plain black shirt. For Vivien, a black jacket with a witch’s hat. And lastly, for Afrina, a black jacket with a hood over her head for the acting. But they changed the plan while I was absent. I was informed later about the changes on Tuesday. And so, our new costume was just ‘coloured’ jeans with ‘different coloured’ trash bags.
As there were not enough white and black trash bags, I wore a red coloured trash bag. When I got back to the classroom, I saw everyone wearing different kind of costumes which was a very exciting scene. :] Only for the boys, black trash bags were on them. For the girls, most of them actually went home and dig through their wardrobe for their costumes. For Ebony, I think she went to the costume store and rented a cute Japanese animation witch’s dress, ‘gloves’, socks, I think she rented those shoes too and lastly, the black witch’s hat with white frills around the brim. And for the other girls, they actually put in the effort to dress appropriately which is really cool. ^_^
All of us were told to line up outside while the other groups performed in the classroom. While waiting, some of my classmates tried to recap their lines. I was quite confident about my lines and was actually not nervous at first as I know that there are only Miss Marly and a few students in the class looking at us. But as our turn came closer, I became more and more nervous. Quite anxious I think. I kept forgetting my line and I had to borrow the Literature file from Zaimah. I managed to memorize everything again and also changed my ‘awful’ red colour trash bag into the white one that Vivien was wearing. When it was our turn, I was really nervous and kept trembling. When I spoke, my volume was low, while witch 1 and witch 2 spoke; I keep pulling at my trash bag. It was very loose and it keep ‘floating’ and falling down from my shoulders. So I had to pull it up while I tried to say my lines at the same time. I guess my group members were nervous too as they did not do a little thing that we had planned a few minutes ago. It was quite awkward when I lifted my hand to do the little movement while witch 1 and witch 2 stayed motionless. We were suppose to do that together when we said our last line together, but I guess they too, were, frozen in front of the camera. So we quickly finished our lines and gather our props and went outside. We had to wait till after our next lesson before we could change. And so, unfortunately, the time was up before everyone could finish. Only one group was left. I guess on Monday we had to let this group finish their play before we could continue with our literature lesson.
We did not have drama lesson for that day and there will also be no drama lesson for the upcoming class because we were going to perform on Friday which is then rescheduled to next Monday because Ms Marly had to collect our flies for checking and told us about the upcoming exam topic. Ms Marly then called out people who need to redo for the 'Love Brochure'. I was one of them because for the interview on a successful marriage, I did not explain it well enough. So while Miss Marly and let us watch videos of Macbeth Act 1 Scene 1 and let us have an idea what it is to be like when acting Macbeth (Three Witches), I was at my table re-writing the Interview. There were also a few others who did not write well in the Love Brochure. I keep peeking at the video as it looked interesting. I quickly finished my explanation and passed it back to Miss Marly then I sat back and watched the video. We were to observe the costumes they wore, how they talk, how they walk and how to act to sound more like witches. Miss Marly briefed us for the last time about the MacBeth play before our lecture ended.
= Friday =
For the first time, we greeted Miss Marly three times, because some of students in the class did not greet her properly. After that, we sat down, and we began going through our literature files. It was quite confusing because some of the students keep shouting out to Miss Marly that his/her paper is missing or he/she did not receive this paper and so on. So throughout the literature lesson, we spent most of our time on arranging our literature files. And after that, Miss Marly then discussed the exam format for the up coming literature mid year exam. We were told to make a note of the information that Miss Marly had written on the board, so we could remember what we were going to have for the literature exam. Well, everything was quite the same as we did only a few things on that day. And so, the bell then rings, literature lesson ends.
We continue on the interesting activity. We have to push our tables and chairs to the side as usual. Then we have to choose 10 volunteer among ourselves. In the end, no one wanted to volunteer and Miss Marly have to choose those 10 students herself instead. Ms Marly told them to imagine that they are a burglar trying to break into a house. First, they had to imagine that they are trying to enter the house through a window. Next, they have to find something that they want to steal. Then, Ms Marly said that there were footsteps approaching and they have to hide themselves. Some of them hide behind the teacher’s table while some tried to hide under the tables. After that, they have to continue finding something while they are hiding and took it with them. Lastly, they had to carry along the item that they had stolen and climbed out of the same window that they had climbed through. Some of the students throw their ‘item’ out the ‘window’. Most of them are really funny and creative, and they were all very cooperative. After this cool activity, the students have to go back to their seats while Miss Marly brief us on another activity that include all 43 of us in that class. Miss Marly said that we have to create a Moving Picture. To start that activity, we need to have one person to start it. Then everyone in the class keeps shouting for Benedict to start first. At first he did not agree to it and he keeps protesting. Finally, he gave in and step forward. Miss Marly then whisper into his ear and Benedict just nods his head as a sign that he understand. Then Miss Marly step back and allow Benedict to start his picture. We have to add on to the picture after he had started. I can’t really get what his actions are but some students do and they came out and act along with him. Not all of us get to participate into that cool Moving Picture, that I finally figured out it is some journalist, tourist, plants, insects and animals in a forest, as there is not enough time.
The picture is really nice and unique when we all step back and look at those students doing their role. They used their creativity and their imagination, which was very clever of them. After the bell had rung, all of us were told to move our tables and chairs back to their original position. Miss Marly brief us on the MacBeth play that we are going to perform on 9 April 2010 before stepping out of the class. We will not be going to school on Friday as it is Good Friday.
^ Friday ^
As it is Good Friday, we are not required to go to school on that day and so, there are no Literature lessons.